Paramedic Test Prep for the NREMT Exam
Pass the NREMT exam for EMTs on your first try!
Paramedic Prep Course
- 15 hours of on-demand video
- Paramedic study guides
- Quizzes
- Pharmacology flashcards
Whether you are just starting your paramedic program, or are only a week away from the exam, Guardian paramedic test prep will help you become a certified paramedic.
Over 15 hours of on-demand video
- ER doctor and firefighter/paramedic/RN instructors
- Downloadable EMT study guide
- The curriculum is based on the NREMT national standards
- Learn by EMS exam categories – Medical/OB, Trauma, Cardiology, Airway, Respiration & Ventilation, and EMS Operations
- Practice questions
- Pharmacology flashcards
*Subscriptions automatically renew until the student cancels. Because this is a digital product, refunds are not available. We encourage you to check out the free demos before purchasing.

All that stands between you from becoming a certified paramedic is the NREMT cognitive exam. It can be challenging, but with the proper exam prep, we know you’ll pass with flying colors and running lights and sirens in no time. Enroll now for the best paramedic test prep available.

We are passionate about helping you pass the NREMT exam on your first try. And we are confident that every student who watches through all the videos, reads the paramedic study guides, reviews the pharmacology flashcards, and correctly answers all the practice questions will be successful!

Our comprehensive paramedic exam test prep course was designed from the ground up based on the national registry standards. The instructors are working professionals in emergency medicine with hands-on experience in the categories you will be tested on.
A certificate from the NREMT or National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians is required by most states to work as a paramedic. The NREMT is a Computer Adaptive Test coving Medical/OB, Trauma, Cardiology, Airway, Respiration, Ventilation, and EMS Operations. Paramedic test prep covers all exam categories.
“Very very detailed and provides amazing info on basically everything you need to know.“
— Keegan B.
NREMT Exam Question Areas
The NREMT cognitive exam includes questions in 5 areas of knowledge. 1. Airway/ Ventilation 2) Cardiology 3) Trauma 4) Medical and 5) EMS operations. About 20% of questions are on Airway Ventilation, 20% Cardiology, 15% Trauma, 30% Medical and 15% EMS operations. 85% of questions in each section are about adult patients and 15% are about pediatric patients. Guardian paramedic test prep covers all these subjects areas.
We encourage you to learn and review all the topics that could be included on the exam, but if you are struggling with concepts in one area, focusing on the adult portion would be better than pediatrics since 85% of questions will be on adults.
What if you are running out of time on the exam?
If you are running out of time before your exam and need to pick one section, medical might be a good spot to put your extra time and effort since it accounts for about 30% of the test. Knowing WHAT to review in each section is the next step in
properly preparing for the exam. The NREMT website has complete outlines of everything that could be tested.
If you go to and choose your level of education (EMT, AEMT or Paramedic), you will see the “Education Standards” on the left side of the screen. This is a complete list of all concepts that can be tested. Do not try to study this list as it is extremely comprehensive, but if you have questions about what conditions or treatments you need to know for certain categories it is a great resource to reference. We used the education standards to create our video course to make sure we covered all of the important material that might be on the exam.
Create a Successful Study Plan
Everyone learns differently, so the best way for you to study is most likely different than someone else’s. This is probably the most important step. So many students worry about whether they are studying the right way, that they don’t finish any study plan and then fail the exam.
A decent study plan executed is way better than a perfect study plan that was never finished. Take an inventory of how best you learn. Do you enjoy videos? Doing questions? Reading the text? When we created our program, we focused on providing high quality video content with an associated workbook and practice questions so that it could be a one stop shop for NREMT review.
But maybe our program wouldn’t work well for you. Take some time to explore what options are out there but don’t get hung up on finding the perfect resource. There are lots of good strategies. After a little exploring pick a plan and stick with it.
Make sure you are studying your notes and the paramedic test prep every day and give yourself enough time to cover all the content in any resource you use. Finishing all of the questions in a question bank or all of the videos in a prep program will take you a lot farther than doing some sections in multiple formats. Write down your plan and study schedule and then get to it!
Paramedic Test Prep Instructors

Chris Seitz, MD
Jason Seitz
This course is taught by Dr. Chris Seitz, board-certified Emergency Physician, and Jason Seitz, firefighter, paramedic, RN, and IC. Together they run Guardian Test Prep based in Detroit, Michigan. They are dedicated to inspiring and empowering their students through quality education as they share their passion for emergency preparedness. They also enjoy long walks, warm summer nights, and virgin pina colodas when they have time.