NREMT exam Prep
Videos, Study Guides, and Practice Questions for the NREMT Exam
NREMT Exam Test Prep for Paramedics, EMT, and AEMT
Almost one in three people fail the NREMT exam on their first attempt, and this statistic doesn’t get better for the Paramedic test. Whether you’re preparing for the EMT, paramedic, or AEMT test, having the right study strategy is key. Our NREMT exam test prep courses are based on the national standards and cover the main exam categories.
Pass the NREMT Exam on Your First Try!
The NREMT cognitive exam is not easy, but you can be prepared to pass on your first try with the right study plan. You’ll have to put in the work, but we provide all the materials you’ll need. Whether you are just starting your EMT or Paramedic program, or are only a week away from the exam, we would love to come alongside you to help you succeed!
Passing the NREMT exam is all that stands between you from becoming a certified EMT, paramedic, or AEMT. With the proper exam prep, we know you’ll pass with flying colors, and running lights and sirens in no time. Enroll now for the best NREMT exam test prep available.
- Over 15 hours of on-demand video
- ER doctor and firefighter/paramedic instructors
- Downloadable EMT and paramedic study guides
- Curriculum based on the NREMT national standards
- Learn by EMS exam categories
- Pharmacology module for paramedic course
- Practice questions
- Pharmacology flashcards for paramedics

Common Questions About the NREMT Exam
What score do you need to pass the NREMT?
The NREMT is a pass or fail test. There are no percentages. In fact, the way the computer-adapted system works means most people will get about 50% of the questions wrong whether you pass or fail. The number of questions right is not what gets you to pass. The level of questions that you get right is what matters. If you start getting questions wrong it doesn’t matter, so long as they are above the desired level of question the test deems appropriate. Our program is designed to prepare you for those high-level questions so you are well within the margin for success.
How many times can you take the NREMT exam?
Students get a total of 6 times before needing to re-enroll in a program to gain authorization to test. If you are unable to complete the exam with a passing score on the 3rd attempt, you will be required to attend a “refresher” program to move on to your next 3 tries. Not sure how to complete a refresher? Reach out and we will walk you through. If you are still unable to successfully complete the exam after your total of 6 tries, you will be required to attend a licensure program again.
Does each question have only one right answer?
Yes, gone are the days where you need to answer with the MOST RIGHT out of 4 right answers or the LEAST WRONG out of 4 wrong answers. The test questions have one correct answer. With practice and understanding of test taking skills, you’ll soon identify the difference between the correct answer, and what we call DISTRACTORS. These are tricky wrong answers that look like the right one. Knowing the difference demonstrates a deeper understanding of the material.
What is the best NREMT test prep?
We are a little biased, but Guardian Test Prep is the way to go. Unlike other test prep programs, we break down the info in easy-to-understand ways, and will personally be in touch with you to help you succeed. Don’t just purchase a prep program, get yourself a support system with Guardian NREMT Test Prep.
How to Pass the NREMT Cognitive Exam
5 Things to do RIGHT NOW
Unfortunately, the NREMT cognitive exam passing rate is only 70%. This means that almost 1/3 of students fail their first try. But you don’t have to be one of those! These 5 things to do right now to pass the NREMT cognitive exam will put you on the path to 1st-time success!
1- Understand the cognitive exam
The National Registry is a Cognitive Adaptive Exam. If you don’t know what that means you are definitely not alone. This means that as you take the exam, the computer makes the questions harder or easier depending on if you are getting the questions right or not. The takeaway?… There is no way of knowing how you are doing when you are actually taking the exam. The trick is to simply take each question one at a time and do your best. If you really want to know if you are going to do well, you need to be confident you studied correctly.
2 – Know what the NREMT tests
The NREMT cognitive exam includes questions in 5 areas of knowledge. 1. Airway/Ventilation 2) Cardiology 3) Trauma 4) Medical and 5) EMS operations. About 20% of questions are on Airway Ventilation, 20% Cardiology, 15% Trauma, 30% Medical, and 15% EMS operations. 85% of questions in each section are about adult patients and 15% are about pediatric patients. This can help guide your studying. The NREMT website has complete outlines of everything that could be tested. If you go to and choose your level of education (EMT, AEMT, or Paramedic), you will see the “Education Standards” on the left side of the screen. This is a complete list of all concepts that can be tested. We used the education standards to create our video course to make sure we covered all of the important material that might be on the exam.
3 – Make a plan
Everyone learns differently, so the best way for you to study is most likely different than someone else’s. Take an inventory of how best you learn. Do you enjoy videos? Doing questions? Reading the text? Take some time to explore what options are out there but don’t get hung up on finding the perfect resource. After a little exploring, pick a plan and stick with it. Make sure you are studying every day and that you give yourself enough time to cover all the content in any resource you use. Finishing all of the questions in a question bank or all of the videos in a prep program will take you a lot farther than doing some sections in multiple formats. Write down your plan and study schedule and then get to it!
4 – Get some accountability
Nothing is more isolating than studying alone. It can be daunting and stressful to be cooped up studying for such a big exam. So share your study plan and schedule with a friend or family member so that they can encourage you along the way and ask you how you are doing and if you are keeping pace with your plan. Be upfront about what you need from them and maybe even plan a standing phone call once a week where it’s their job to check in and see how your plan is coming along. Don’t do this alone!
5 – Trust yourself
You know this stuff. It may not seem like it but you really do. You’ve finished the programs and have worked hard to get here. The exam is one hurdle and it does not make you a good or bad first responder if it takes a few times to pass. What makes you good at what you do is showing up every day, ready to learn more and do your best, and caring for those in need. So trust yourself, trust your plan and we know you’ll get through this stop along the way to becoming the best you can be at what you do!